Monday 2 January 2012

M:UD the first edition

Welcome to M:UD!
Hi, Im Electrix and I'm the editor at M:UD. In this first edition I have decided to tell the story of M:UD.
Okay, lets clear on thing up- I dont have a clue how I thought of M:UD, but It was just a brainwave one day! I thought- Wouldn't it be great to start a magazine, that covered genre's of the underground. I mean you have your
NME, Kerrang and the lot but there is no place to get a real understanding of the underground scene. So, I had this idea but what to do with it next? Well...... Firstly I talked to George Forster (C.T.A.N), who is now the writer for 'the old skool tunes' and he really pushed me to do it, I mean I owe it to him in a way. So I set up a group on the wonderful facebook and
invited the few producers I knew to write for me, then it just expanded. I have now ended up with a great team! I mean,I'm not signed or well known but through contacts who have contacts who have contacts M:UD's team is quite simply amazing. Signed, or just bursting through the scene. Radio shows all over the country. M:UD know what their talking about!
So; what does M:UD stand for? Music Underground. This is because we dont look for artists and producers who have already made it,yes we may mention them and give them their due credit. But the aim of M:UD is to promote those who SHOULD be 'at the top' but unfortunately as we all know how cut throat the industry is have been overlooked. We promote those who we dig to be big in the next month, we promote those who bring an alternative outlook on their genre and we promote those who are just insanely good at what
they do! So, what does M:UD consist of? Now we all know how large the underground scene is, so it would be hard to cover all the genres within it. We have chosen 6 genres
from the scene which are big this year, this consist of- Ambient, Techno/Trance, Drum n Bass, House (all the ranges of it) , Grime and of course- Dubstep. We also have a section for the revival of old skool tracks, Because everyone loves the classics! Of course we would love to cover more genres,I wanted to get this up and running for January.... which was a hard deadline to meet. However, if your reading this and you think you know your stuff about
a genre from the underground that we dont write about please get in touch at-
What does the future hold for M:UD?
Well, at the beginning it was just an idea for a magazine- basic right? But the future holds more! Gigs, Raves, Radio shows, Pod casts, Online performances, More genres covered...
the list is unlimited! M:UD (dare I say it?) is the future for underground music.
Please, take your time to browse through our reviews of 2011 music and keep supporting! M:UD will be updated every month where each genre will give you a low down on what has
been big this month, and what you may have missed..... If your reading this far down thank you so much for reading about M:UD and I hope you continue to support the cause by publicizing
M:UD on social networking sites and liking our page on facebook, joining us on twitter (or whatever you do on twitter) and following us on myspace.
Thank you and have a good new year!
Dominic Robinson